Hello Tom,
I want to make a basic tuning helper utility.
Here is the functionality I have used in the past for fine-tuning.
Command an infinite loop of motion between two points
With the axis moving, I keep an eye on following error and output
adjust velocity, accel and jerk for sharp motion
adjust PID params as well as some others(feedforward, etc...)
I have been able to achieve very tight performance using this methodology, typically only needing to adjust P and D to find a good balance between stiffness and stability.
So I want to implement this tool for use with Kflop, and an initial layout of it is here::
After looking at the example here::
It seems fairly straight forward, but I would like to see what the structs gather and gather.list look like.
Also, can I stream the data in memory(message callback?)? Surely there is another way to access the data other that the text file that I have overlooked.
Brad Murry